Homemade Gut Healthy Gummies Recipe

homemade gummies


These homemade gummies are SO good, all the neighbor kids ask me if we have any on hand whenever they are over!

This picture shows them being made with tart cherry juice... but we use grape juice, blueberry juice, pomegranate juice, etc.

-5 tbls gelatin (60g) we love Great Lakes or Perfect Supplements!
- 32 oz juice (look out for sugar with a bunch of added sugar or other ingredients!) - We get ours in the pantry section in glass bottles
- 2 tbls raw honey
- 2 tbsl lemon juice
- Pinch of high quality salt (we love Redmond)

1. Bloom the gelatin. Add some juice to the bowl and sprinkle the gelatin on top and let it sit for 5 minutes to bloom. This will stop it from clumping

2. Pour the rest of the juice, salt, lemon juice and honey into a sauce pan and heat until hot, but not boiling.

3. Mix in the gelatin until completely dissolved.

4. Pour into a 9x13 glass dish and refrigerate for a few hours until solid.

5. I cut into 48 squares and then store in an airtight glass tupperware.

Not exactly sure how long these last, but they never last more than a week in our house! We use them a little snack or sweet treat!

*Recipe inspired by Noelle Kovary.

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