Discover the Healing Power of Abhyanga: A Key to Postpartum Recovery

Discover the Healing Power of Abhyanga: A Key to Postpartum Recovery

Discover the Healing Power of Abhyanga: A Key to Postpartum Recovery

Entering the postpartum period requires intentional and effective care strategies to ensure a smooth recovery and proper balancing of the dosha. One such strategy, deeply rooted in Ayurvedic tradition, is Abhyanga. This self-massage technique using warm, herb-infused oils offers profound benefits for new mothers.

Understanding Abhyanga

Abhyanga is Ayurvedic warm oil massage. It is predominantly an oil therapy. In Sanskrit, the word “sneha” can be translated both as “oil” and “love.” Saturating the body in oil is akin to being saturated in love, bringing deep feelings of stability, warmth, and comfort. Sneha—oil and love—is sukshma, which means “subtle.” This means it can pass through very subtle channels in the body and penetrate deep layers of tissues (dhatus). Hence, why this practice is complimentary for a new mother that needs love and nurturing.

The Importance of Abhyanga for Postpartum Recovery

  1. Promotes Relaxation and Reduces Stress
    Postpartum recovery can be stressful due to the physical demands and emotional adjustments of new motherhood. Abhyanga's rhythmic strokes help calm the nervous system, promoting relaxation and significantly reducing stress levels.
  2. Enhances Circulation and Detoxification
    The massage technique stimulates blood circulation and supports lymphatic drainage, aiding in the detoxification process. This is crucial for eliminating excess fluids and toxins that may have built up during pregnancy, thus enhancing overall healing and rejuvenation.
  3. Improves Sleep Quality
    Quality sleep is essential for postpartum recovery but can often be disrupted. Abhyanga helps improve sleep quality by calming both the mind and body, facilitating deeper, more restorative sleep.
  4. Nourishes and Moisturizes the Skin
    The oils used in Abhyanga deeply nourish and moisturize the skin, improving elasticity and helping reduce the appearance of stretch marks. This practice not only enhances skin health but also provides a comforting and grounding experience.
  5. Supports Emotional Well-being
    Engaging in self-massage fosters a deeper connection with your body, promoting self-acceptance and emotional stability. Abhyanga can help new mothers feel more grounded and centered, aiding in the emotional adjustments of postpartum life.

Comprehensive Benefits of Abhyanga

  • Melting of tension and stress from the muscles
  • Release of emotions that are stuck in the body
  • Improved musculoskeletal and nervous system health
  • Enhanced circulation and lymph drainage
  • Improved sleep patterns
  • Softer, stronger skin
  • Healthier vision
  • Graceful aging and reduction in wrinkles
  • Lustrous hair
  • Firm, strong limbs
  • Increased tone and vigor for the body’s tissues
  • Increased longevity
  • Nourishment and cleansing for the whole body
  • Grounding effect
  • Removal of excess vata from the system

Implementing Abhyanga into Your Routine

  • Selecting the Right Oil
    Always choose oils specific for postpartum to reduce excess vata. Select organic oils from a reliable company. The preferred Ayurvedic oil is sesame oil infused with Ayurvedic herbs such as ashwagandha or bala to support recovery, rejuvenation, nourish the body, and boost energy levels.
  • Warming the Oil
    Gently warm the bottle of oil in a bowl of hot water to maintain a  comfortable temperature, as warm oil penetrates the skin more deeply and enhances relaxation.
  • Creating a Calm Environment
    Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Creating a tranquil atmosphere will enhance the relaxation benefits of the massage.
  • Applying the Oil
    Start by applying the warm oil to the entire body first, then go back  to your scalp, and work your way down your body, using long, gentle strokes on the limbs and circular motions on the joints.
  • Massaging with Intention
    Focus on each part of your body with care and intention. Be fully present during the massage, as mindfulness enhances the practice’s benefits.
  • Resting and Rejuvenating
    After your massage, wrap yourself in a warm towel or robe and relax for at least 30  minutes to allow the oil to absorb. Follow with a warm bath or shower if desired and bind the belly.
Incorporating Abhyanga into your postpartum routine can greatly enhance your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This Ayurvedic practice is a powerful addition to include and continue in a self-care routine, offering numerous benefits that support your recovery and overall health. 


About the Author: Written by Courtney of Mothersource. Mothersource was born out of Courtney's transformative journey through her second pregnancy at 45. The intent is to support mothers during their postpartum journey, offering a sanctuary where they can find nourishment, support, and healing in the comfort of their own homes. Mothersource provides tailored Ayurvedic meals, belly binding, and the anointing of healing oils to address the unique challenges mothers face in Western culture. If you would like more information on Ayurvedic postpartum care, visit


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