Core Values

Our core values guide us on our mission towards..

Ancestral Wisdom

The wisdom of our ancestors is timeless and a guiding light at Mama Meals.  Eat real food, honor the land, and care for your village. 

Simply Efficient

As the famous philosopher William of Ockham said, ‘it is vain to do with more what can be done with less’. We keep it simple, look for win/win, and always try to make things easy.

Lead with Love

There is no power greater than Love.  we lead from the heart, stand tall, and trust the process. we give each other grace when things go awry, and strive to be the best versions of ourselves.

Pour From a Full Cup

We prioritize self-care and work-life-balance so we can show up and feed as many mamas as possible.

Empower Moms

If you want to change the world, start with mom.  She’s the foundation of a strong family unit and needs a village around her.  We’re here to be part of her village.

Regenerative Forward

We support regenerative agriculture wherever possible.  Currently our meat and rice come from regenerative farms.